Kindr Grindr Pushing for Inclusivity

Kindr Grindr Pushing for Inclusivity

An interesting and innovative movement recently started by Grindr is what’s known as their Kindr Grindr campaign. An app that continues to stand as a staple in many GBTQ+ mens’ life is taking a socially responsible stance on the common forms of discrimination. That’s sexy! 



Issues such as racism, transphobia and body shaming have been trends seen within the app and the company is addressing it head on through the use of a cross-platform campaign encouraging users to report acts of these types of discrimination. This is the first in a series of inclusive efforts that Landen Zumwalt, Grindr's head of communications, says the company will be taking in order to foster a more integrated and kinder community. 


The push towards a more inclusive community is an admirable preposition by Grindr, especially as a platform that is commonly criticized for its precarious and discriminative nature. Whether this campaign achieves its intended goal or not is one thing, but the important thing is that kindness is one of the sexiest traits out there. Nothing beats a confident and kind person that knows how to treat others with respect (until you’re begging them not to, wink wink).                   

It’s a tough task but definitely one worth working towards for the overall goodness and longevity of the LGBTQ+ community. Providing support and celebrating the individuality of our community is what makes us unique. The love and acceptance we want from the rest of the world starts with us loving each other and we must continue to work towards this goal so we can show the world how smart, sexy and kind we can be. Whether we are fully clothed or in our new Jock Depot briefs, we can all work towards a more positively sexy world for everyone. In the words of RuPaul, to the issue of kindness  - “Shante, You Stay!” 


For more information about Kindr Grindr you can check out the attached link.